Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Library Blues

So i am writing the post about 99.5% sure that no one actually reads my blog. Either way it is nice to have one. I am here in the library, the place that makes me feel better about procrastinating. I have an official warning to everyone out there DO NOT START YOUR LAB REPORT THE DAY BEFORE IT IS DUE. Yes i am doing working on chem lab, my sworn enemy. Dont get me wrong i really like chem, just labs and experiments dont like me. I am the kid who dropped the base on her shoes, and the same day broke a glass funnel. And I am not the most careful writer so my lab reports are for shit. Okay i have to wrap this up because i promised myself this study break would only go until 12:30. Waiting for the Kelka podcast with all my heart.

1 comment:

Eve said...

haha, procrastinating in the library... that's great!