Friday, March 09, 2007


So, okay I am drunk.... what a suprise. I have no roomate tonight so i thought what better time to masturbate. I mean come one really. So i am pretty sure I had my first orgasm. YAY. ussually i am too scared someone will come in when i am at home or my parents will come home but tonight i went for it, and i had an orgasm. Well YAY for me. Well i need to sleep, because i have class in six hours. Goodnight all zero people that read my blog. I love you (which really mean i love myself, which i obviosly did tonight).

So my to do list for tonight... make my bed because i stripped it and washed my sheets. My to do list for tommarrow is

A. Find my enter key (becuase it fell off of my computer)
B. Wake up for my class
C. Realize why i did this in letters instead of Numbers
D. Understand why Beauty and the Beast came up on Itunes
E. Go HOMEEEE on a seven hour bus for spring break


pickled said...


have you found your enter key yet?

socks28 said...

um i found part of it. Thanks for the concern lol

Anonymous said...

Dear Sock:

my bob thoroughly enjoyed this anecdote, and actually laughed out loud at "I love you (by which I really mean I love myself, which I obviously did tonight)" part. Few things get my bob that amused, so feel good about yourself.

