Monday, April 30, 2007

Oh Happy Day

I am having a great day so far. I got my Ethics paper back, which i was sure i was going to bad on, and got an A- (I think this is partially due to the fact my TA's wife is pregnant and he is exhausted... but I'll take it). So on top of that I finished my research paper for my writing class BEFORE midnight. I am so happy. I also now have two days to study for Bio. So yes that is my great day. I am probably not going to be studying the rest of the day but I am fine with that because I am happy.

So i was talking to aimee last night and I decided she is my person of the day (by that i mean yesterday) because she was drunk on a Sunday night. So Kudos to you.
** It should also be noted that she types better drunk then i do sober



Aimée said...

i type better drunk? did you SEE wilson's blog..i couldnt even figure out what i typed in her was sad...tho yes..i have a skill for both drunk driving and typing (and with that comment i hope my gf doesnt read your blog)

socks28 said...

yes i did see the chatter, but I am referring to our conversation.

I hope you girlfriend does read this so you will get a whooping from her for driving drunk you fool