Monday, April 23, 2007


So yes i decided to do a podcast. I did it by myself, so i had no one to feed off of, and i was rambling for quite some time. Things I noticed when doing this recording:
1. I think i have a slight lisp
2. I stumble my words
3. I really should think it out more before I record.

If it is incredibly boring or is horrible tell me, or tell me how you think it could get better. If it is so bad i should never do another one again, please tell me. If you like it tell me as well. So you have alot of options of what to tell me. I used a shitty free trial editing thing so the sound is sometimes off too. So here you go guys...

The Sockast: Episode 1 Ramblings(this one works)
(right click and do save as to download)

Wrath Pinned to the Mist- Of Montreal
Burn One Down- Ben Harper
Unwind- Rosebuds


Liz said...

Try using this link:


socks28 said...

ok thanks, is the one i was using before not working?

serendipity-doo-dah said...

Hey Sock,

Found your blog through the wonderful Kelka-verse via the suburbs of Slogreenx. Loved the music you selected for the cast. If you haven't already, check out Andrew Bird, I think you'd probably dig his stuff.

Later tater!