Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Episode 4 pt 1

There are 1 and a half guests on this part of the podcast. Izzle Bizzle along with Paradox as the background comes to join me. We talk about our trips and other things. We recorded for too long so i couldnt fit all of it into one podcast....
to listen click here.(right click and press save as to download).

As always if you have any questions or comments e-mail me or well leave me a comment. All questions are welcomed.


Wishbone- Architecture in Helsinki
Babylon- David Gray
Chocolate- Snow Patrol


bizzle said...

I have to say you are pretty good at editing ... because I don't remember some of the stuff i said and I swear you just inserted them ;)

Anonymous said...

Hey um, I barely started listening to your podcasts, and I already love em' and the music you put is always awesome! :]

Mia said...

socccckkkk I just started listening too. damn almost forgot that second o in 'too'. I'm slightly tipsy.
I just finished drinking with paul and his girlfriend kat at our friend's house. we're prob gonna see fantastic four tomorrow and if I can convince them we might even see NANCY DREW!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm excited.
anyways, I love your podcasts, esp the third one when you told your coming out story. I still have one more to listen to (the first one... I'm going in reverse order) but yes, I can't wait for the next one.


bizzle said...

girlie ... where's part 2???