Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Who wants to give me a massage...

i promise i will pay you some money if you do.

So yeah basically i am incredibly sore right now and my hands a kinda beat up. They are not THAT bad though which is nice. I almost missed practice this morning it was so bad. I usually set two alarms, my alarm clock first and then my phone alarm. SO this morning at 7 my alarm clock went off and i turned it off. The next thing i know i wake up and it is 7:34. I got up and started freaking out. Usually i give my self 30-45 minutes in the morning before practice; 10-15 minutes to get ready and 20 minutes to walks. I got up threw off my clothes grabbed clothes out of my draw and ran. I made it to the boat house by 7:46 and got to the courtyard and there was no one in the courtyard or on the dock. I was incredibly upset and i screamed shit really loudly. Then a varsity member goes "Oh the girls are on the other dock right down there." I go down and LUCKILY they were there. I usually wouldn't have been that upset for missing practice but our coach is bringing only 8 rowers and 1 cox to a regatta in two weeks... out of 20. In order to even be considered to go you have to be at all your scheduled practices and do the two additional workouts. Although i know i probably won't make the boat, i still don't want to take myself out of the running.

So okay other random news in my life. I got payed 11 dollars today for being in this experiment. What they do is they put you in the dark room in front of this computer and cover one of your eyes. Then this circular grid flashes for like 1/2 a second and you have to say if it looks like the left or or the right side is closer to you. It actually gets really hard at the end becuase you are staring at the screen and everything looks the same. You were in the room for 6 ten minute intervals and get a 2 minute break in between. It was sweet cause now i am 11 dollars richer. I have to go two more times so guess who will be loaded by the end of next week lol.


::: sissi ::: said...

i hate when that happens, being too late for something and then can't do your morning routine...

though because of all the stress you are at least very awake then-at least i am...

hope you get into the regatta team!

Madi said...


please enlighten me...i know nothing about sports.

Mwiko said...

so this rowing thing... how hard is it? 'cos I'm gonna be giving it a go in a few days... and I have no upper body strength whatsoever =(

cox = tiny person who steers, tells the rowers when to row, keeps track of how they're doing, does the tactics etc.. I think. My knowledge exists only from the Ox vs. Cam race every year.

regatta = a boat race