Sunday, March 16, 2008

Cough Cough... skinny dipping...Cough Cough

Wait what is this a new post? After a million years? Yes Yes it it.

So i am writing a new post. I am not really sure why at this moment I felt like writing one, but whatever. So hey guys, I bet no one is actually reading this cause the few people that actually DID read it have stopped checking any updates.

So hey guys, how are you. I have just gotten back from Spring Break in Miami. I went with my crew team. It started off kinda bad cause I was kinda sucking. Since you havent heard from me in months I will give a recap. So back in November I pulled my hip flexor and got injured. I didnt do anything about it for a week and kept rowing on it and hurt it even more. I was out for about three months. So about a week before Miami I got cleared for light rowing again. I had been keeping up my cardio by biking every day and keeping up my strength by lifting every other. I thought that this would be sufficient enough. So when I got back on the water in Miami... I was just sucking. My coach was being a bitch about it in the beginning of the week, but we talked about it at the end of the week and it is all cool now.

So anyway i am mega tan right now which I love. Also I went skinny dipping(kinda) for the first time. On saturday morning we did not have practice so we all decided to drink. The night started off fun, when me and the other two lesbians(who are in a relationship) went to get beer. They are both varsity members(i am a novice) and it was my first time really hanging out with them. It was nice becuase i really dont have many gay friends. So anyway we went back to the beach where everyone else was drinking and then we went skinny dipping. The first time all the girls went in with their bra and underwear(which i know doesnt count), but the second time I took my top off. That to me is skinny dipping.. I dont care what you say lol. It was really fun, and i enjoyed it.

How is everyone else. How is life. Let me know


Sunday, September 30, 2007

Blame Canda!!!

So I know I have been kinda AWOL for a while, but i have been really busy with tests and crew and random shit. So last week I had two tests, one in genetics which was pretty easy, and the other in orgo. The Orgo test was a piece of shit stuck on a stick. So I was pretty much studying that for the week.

O so yeah I forgot I haven't updated in a while. I made the boat for the Regatta, and the race was this weekend. We drove up to Canada early in the morning and came home late at night. It was pretty awesome. We raced an 8 boat in the novice division. It was pretty much my school and then 16 Canadian ones in our race. We came in 4th, which is really good, but we should have done better(here comes a rant). During a head race all the boats start at different times, with about ten second interval. If a boat behind you is going faster than you your are supposed to let them pass on starboard side. So we kept trying to pass this boat infront of us and they would not let us through. So we were zigzaging through the course trying to pass them, and losing time. THEN at the end of the race there is turn and we took the inside turn and they turned too sharp and our oars were hitting each other while we were rowing so half of us stop rowing becuase we didnt know what to do. So we lost alot of time there. We were out of third place by 16 seconds. I am not saying that if that stupid Canadian boat followed the rule we would have placed, but we definitly would have had a better chance. But all in all we did really well and I am realyl proud of my team. That is really all for now.

One more thing Mwiko, i dont know if this is too late, but if I were you I would try crew out. It is tough, and both physically and mentally challenging but I think it is worth it. But if you end up only kinda liking it I would say quit. Waking up at 6 in the morning isnt worth it if you are not enjoying it. (hope that helps).


Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Who wants to give me a massage...

i promise i will pay you some money if you do.

So yeah basically i am incredibly sore right now and my hands a kinda beat up. They are not THAT bad though which is nice. I almost missed practice this morning it was so bad. I usually set two alarms, my alarm clock first and then my phone alarm. SO this morning at 7 my alarm clock went off and i turned it off. The next thing i know i wake up and it is 7:34. I got up and started freaking out. Usually i give my self 30-45 minutes in the morning before practice; 10-15 minutes to get ready and 20 minutes to walks. I got up threw off my clothes grabbed clothes out of my draw and ran. I made it to the boat house by 7:46 and got to the courtyard and there was no one in the courtyard or on the dock. I was incredibly upset and i screamed shit really loudly. Then a varsity member goes "Oh the girls are on the other dock right down there." I go down and LUCKILY they were there. I usually wouldn't have been that upset for missing practice but our coach is bringing only 8 rowers and 1 cox to a regatta in two weeks... out of 20. In order to even be considered to go you have to be at all your scheduled practices and do the two additional workouts. Although i know i probably won't make the boat, i still don't want to take myself out of the running.

So okay other random news in my life. I got payed 11 dollars today for being in this experiment. What they do is they put you in the dark room in front of this computer and cover one of your eyes. Then this circular grid flashes for like 1/2 a second and you have to say if it looks like the left or or the right side is closer to you. It actually gets really hard at the end becuase you are staring at the screen and everything looks the same. You were in the room for 6 ten minute intervals and get a 2 minute break in between. It was sweet cause now i am 11 dollars richer. I have to go two more times so guess who will be loaded by the end of next week lol.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Shana Tova

So Happy Jewish New Years everybody. Today is Rosh Hashanah (which literally mean "head of the Year" in hebrew) so i am not going to classed and I went to Hillel this morning. It was much better this year than last year... last year temple was CRAZY.

SO let mew recant last years Rosh Hashanah services for you.

Okay so first me and my friend are sitting there and then this family she knows sits next to use and they dont stop talking THE WHOLE TIME. It wasn't even like a whisper, they were full out talking. So the whole time everyone in the service kept giving us dirty looks. Next THEY ALMOST DROP THE F-ING TORAH. If this doesn't sound like a big deal to you it should because if the Torah is dropped 40 days of fasting done. The fasting is split up between everyone who sees the Torah drop. It was really scary to say the least. This one is probably the most interesting for all of you. So we were standing up for one of the prayer and there were these two girls in front of us. They were standing really close and their arms were touching. All of a sudden the girl on the left moves her hand behind the girl on the right and GRABS HER ASS!!! I turned to my friend and we started cracking up. It was the most bizarre thing in the world. I mean don't get me wrong, i am not complaining about seeing an ass grab, but in the middle of Rosh Hashanah service WTF. Well that all for now, i am going to try and be a good jew.

Monday, September 10, 2007

I joined the Crew

So school has started once again, so what else besides procrastination and whining about class am I to talk about. Classes so far have not been too bad. I just have a shitload of reading.

So the only new update i have about my life (which i am sure is about to take over my life) is that I joined my schools Crew team. It is also called Rowing and if you want to learn more about it you can find out here. Practices start anywhere between 6 and 7:30... in the morning. I am hoping this gives me more motivation to get everything done and it is also giving me a great workout. I went out on the water for the first time today and it was really hard but fun. So that is my life all you readers. I didnt want you to start going through withdrawal without a socky update!!

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Back To School...

Back to School
To Prove to Dad that I'm not a fool
I've got my lunch packed up
My shoes tied tight
I hope I don't get in a fight
Ohh back to school
Back to school
Back to school

You guys have to know what that is from!!!

So here I am back at school. I have a new roommate who is nice and my room is big and nice. Classes started yesterday. I am taking Ideas of the Greeks, Roman World, Organic Chemistry, and Genetics. The Genetics and the Orgo both have labs and recitations which sucks. So the Professor for my Greek class is so weird. It takes him so long to get through an idea and every time he gets up i am scared he is going to fall. So that is really all that has been going on. Ill keep you updated

Monday, August 27, 2007


So I got only two requests for the picture meme thing. I would love to have more cough cough that means you. So I can't take a picture of my room key because I am not yet at school. But Madi also asked me to take a picture of my two favorite socks... so here they are.

The one on top is of monkeys and banana's, and the ones on the bottom are my Hanukkah socks. I got them one Hanukkah from my parents, they are super comfy.

So this got me thinking about socks. Usually when I tell people my screenname or they see it they are like "Why is this your screen name... do you really like socks?" Sometimes they say this as a joke and sometimes it is a real question. The "sock" in my username has nothing to do with liking socks but was instead was my idiotic 5th of 6th grade self kinda liking soccer. But I realize now the I REALLY DO LIKE SOCKS. I think socks are completely comfortable and cute. I like both below the ankle tennis socks, longer socks you wear in the winter and I like soccer socks that go to your knees. I like knitting socks and the way they feel on your feet. I also love how they can warm you up so much although they are so small and only cover a tiny part of your body. So that is that girls... I LOVE SOCKS.