Thursday, May 31, 2007

Procrastination= Lambchop

So after Greens nostalgics post over her childhood, i decided to do one about mine. Last night i was talking to some people and Lamb Chops Play Along came up in discussion. Not sure how, but it did lol. Then i started you tubing it to find videos and watching them made me so happy. Wasn't Shari Lewis just amazing, i mean she can sing as a ventriloquist, like her lips barely move. Aww i miss this show my favorite character was hush puppy by far.

This also got me thinking about Wee Sing videos which no other Kelkian seems to know about. They were these wacky videos in the 90's where they sang and these magical things happened. They are pretty trippy when you look back though. All my friends at school watched them when they were younger though, so there has to be at least one kelkian who has seen one of the videos. This is a a video from Grandpa's Magical Toys. (this video doesnt give the movie justice).

Monday, May 28, 2007

Weddings and Such

So i went to my cousins wedding today. Before you read this post you should know two things about me. I am drunk (1) and i have a really close family (2).

The wedding was really nice. It was my second cousin or my first cousin once removed. I love her so much, i see my extended family more then most people see there immediate family. While i was sitting there i was really happy for her but kept thinking about myself and marriage. I know leggally i cant get married to a women. But to me (although legal issues are a big part) religously marriage is important to me. I want to have a ceremony one day, and have my family come together for a union under what would be god to recognize. Whether you beleive in god or not, i feel as Jewish tradition i should be able to do this. The thing is i want it to be just as accepted as any other marriage in my family and i dont know if it ever will be. Its hard to explain especially because i am drunk so i will stop now. I am really happy for my cousin though and she deserves this marriage so much.

Second i babysat for my cousin (about as distant as my cousin who got marrieds child would be to me) who was 5 months this weekend. He was so cute. I realized how much i want a child. There laugh is so genuine and innocent, and it is the best thing in the world. Okay i will go now goodnight.


Friday, May 25, 2007

Lost fucked with my mind

Warning LOST spoilers!!!

So i think watching the season finale of Lost last night fucked with me in every way possible. I am so confused now, and I have no idea what is going on. I have so many questions i can't even sort them out in my head. Who the hell is Jacob, why did we JUST find out about him. Is Walt going to come back again, how did Walt age 3 years in 90 days. Were the two girls under water sleeping together, is Jacks father still alive (they made it seem like he was), does everyone get saved, why is Locke crazy. why is Hurley the coolest person on the island, what is up with Penelope not being on the boat, what happened to the Polar Bear. What will happen to Charlies ring, will they find it. Why does Kate not want to talk to Jack anymore after they get saved.Those are only some of the questions that went through my mind.

So watching Lost before you go to bed is also not the best idea. I had some of the weirdest dreams last night. In one dream my family moved to this island. It was like a island resort and we were living right off the ocean. Then I lost my family and was trying to find them. The next thin to know I was was arrested... twice, but I was innocent. I was put in jail. There were only three other people in the jail though and they were not innocent. They scared me. Then we went to a concert as a jail field trip. I don't remember anything after that but it was pretty weird.

Oh for the people who were in the c-box sextoy chat yesterday (and anyone else too) this is what an anal douche looks like
What i picked up was the one of the right.

Well have a good rest of the day and weekend everyone!!!


Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Biz and a Sex Shop

So hey guys. This weekend I went to the city and saw Biz. It was fun shit. She got her hat, and we ate and we um.... went to a sex shop. It was my first time. I lost my sex shop virginity. I didn't buy anything but it was only my first time. Maybe on the second or third visit i will work up the nerve. Um well here are some of the sex shop pictures (some I stole from Biz).

Isn't this just...


Holding my First Vibrator

Just look at the directions. Attach it to wall; bend over; and enjoy a newspaper at the same time.

Hope you guys enjoyed the sex shop pictures. Have a good day.


P.S. OO we also saw an ANAL DOUCHE. WTF, we should have taken a picture but we didnt.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Sockast 3-Coming out and More

So here is my third podcast. I say "um" quite alot. That is my goal for next time, to stop saying "um". There is a bunch of rambling as usual, but for some reason people seem to like that. I tell my coming out story and some other stuff too.

Sockast3- Coming out and More

(you can right click and download)

Keep it Together- Guster
We Will Become Silhouettes- The Shins
Mrs. Potters Lullaby- Counting Crows

If you have anything to say leave a comment or shoot me and e-mail. Also Send me questions to my Email !!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S. Sivi i left in some of those cursing at myself moments for you, listen till the end ;)
P.P.S. sorry the e-mail link above didnt work before

Friday, May 18, 2007

Winter Wonderland?

Last night I was hot when I went to sleep so I decided to open my windows. I woke up this morning thinking it was snowing I was so cold. That is pretty much all i had to say for today so since it is a puny post i will put up a picture I took. (I love this picture).(This is my school)

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Rockin' The Suburbs

So I am home in suburbia. I got my wisdom teeth removed on Monday and it was much better then when I got my other two removed. It didnt hurt as much as last time which is really good, and I still got Vicoden. Vicoden is my new best friend. I think i am in love. No don't worry i wont get addicted. But it is fun.

So I am happy to announce that the SoupNet channel now airs One Tree Hill, The OC and two episodes of 90210. It has made the past three days so much fun. I am not ashamed about my love for teenage melodramatic soap opera's. Add Degrassi to the mix and I think i would be in heaven. I have also caught up with the ANTM, and tonight is the finale which i am really excited about. I can't watch Lost because I haven't caught up with that yet. So yeah that is my life in a nutshell. Hope all is going well for everyone else.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

No Wizard That There Is Or Was Is Ever Gonna BRING ME DOWN

So yes I AM OUT. I came out to my mom and Thursday and it went really well. She took it really well and it is all good. It was pretty emotional for me, and I felt relieved and scared and sick all at the same time. Now I feel really good about it though, i needed it to sink in for the last few days.

I am also home from school now. I am DONE!!!!! Freshman year is over. It feels so weird that I have finished a full year of college already. I had a test on Friday that raped me from behind. It was the single hardest test i have ever taken. You should have seen everyones faces as they walked out of the test. They were either laughing because they couldn't believe how hard it was or looked as though they were about to cry. So yes i will update you on my grade on that test. So that has been my week. Pretty productive i think.
(P.S. Doesn't Wicked just rock your socks, it does mine)

Monday, May 07, 2007

Letter to self

Dear Self,
Please stop compulsively checking your e-mail and the registrar for your grades. If it was not posted at 6:14, it will not be posted at 6:16. Also, as your professor told you, your grade will be e-mailed to you before it is on the registrar. So there is no reason, the second after you see there are no e-mails in your inbox, to check the registrar. This is antiproductive, you need to study.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

i dropped out and joined a band instead

haha i wish...

Btw i hate blogger because i wrote a whole post and it said that my computer looked like a virus and that they were protecting "the other users" by not letting my post... those asses.

So i am on a study break and I have been studying for the past two hours, so i am proud of myself. I feel like I accomplished something :). I can't wait for this all to be over and to go home and summer to start.

So last night I went to a Ben Folds concert, it was amazing. The opening band was kinda weird, it were these guys playing violin to rap music. It was cool for five minutes but they played for at least a half an hour. But then Benny (we are on first name basis now) came on and had an AMAZING performance. He played for at least and hour and 50 minutes which was cool because he had 2 opening bands. The set was amazing, he played Army (which is me and my friends fav. song of his), and a cover of Such Great Heights- Postal Service, and Bitches Ain't Shit which is the best cover, period.

The funniest part of the concert was that there was a interpreter. Calm down i am not making fun of deaf people keep reading the story. At the beginning of the concert he was talking to the interpreter for a bit and was like "I am going to make you say words that are going to make you feel so uncomfortable tonight." So later that night he starts making up a song about this cafe in our city and at the end he goes "Now i am going to make the interpreter say shit, shit, shit, shit, shit..." and repeated shit at least 20 times. Then he tells the audience to sign shit. A few seconds later he goes "Guys stop playing you instruments, now PRETEND your playing and everyone still sign shit. Now the hard of hearing are experiencing the same thing as the hearing because no one can hear anything. We are all experiencing the same thing." It was really funny, i am in love lol. Okay, back to studying.


Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Sockast Episode 2- School Stories

So here is my second installment of the Sockast. It is short again, and rambling. Hope you like it, here you go.

Sockast 2- School Stories
(right click and do save as to download)

Ohh, i forgot to say on the cast, if you have any good stories e-mail me or post a comment. I love hearing them. Also shoot me an e-mail or leave me a comment if you have anything else to say. Okay guys, have a good time.


Army-Ben Folds
Get in Or get Out- Hot hot heat
Sleep to Dream- Maria Mena

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Damn you upstairs

Okay so i am in my dorm trying to study for my Bio test tomorrow and there is dumbass jerkface upstairs practicing his drumset. (and another note,i spell tommarow wrong every single time and autocheck NEVER give me the right spelling as an option). So i am trying to study and he is playing his drums and I have a headache and am in a bad mood. On top of that I dont want to study and I need to do well on this test. I cant go into my room because my roommate has an 102.5 fever and achy joints and I dont want to get sick on finals week.

Today I got my housing for next year, and it just rehashed in my head the whole hell that was rooming from a few weeks ago. It was a whole fiasco which i do not particularly want to get into, but I thought it was over and today I picked my dorm with my random roomate, and I just got upset because of the whole thing. So yes I am bitching again and in a bad mood, sorry everyone. Tommarows my last day of classes so i will be drinking, so that is good. Thats all for now.
