No Wizard That There Is Or Was Is Ever Gonna BRING ME DOWN
So yes I AM OUT. I came out to my mom and Thursday and it went really well. She took it really well and it is all good. It was pretty emotional for me, and I felt relieved and scared and sick all at the same time. Now I feel really good about it though, i needed it to sink in for the last few days.
I am also home from school now. I am DONE!!!!! Freshman year is over. It feels so weird that I have finished a full year of college already. I had a test on Friday that raped me from behind. It was the single hardest test i have ever taken. You should have seen everyones faces as they walked out of the test. They were either laughing because they couldn't believe how hard it was or looked as though they were about to cry. So yes i will update you on my grade on that test. So that has been my week. Pretty productive i think.
(P.S. Doesn't Wicked just rock your socks, it does mine)
YAY you for coming out, awesome!
Seems you having holidays now as well ... isn't life good (besides those tests) :)
congrats on coming out, and so jealous of your damn holidays
speaking of mothers, it mothers day and there's all sorts of family around right now. i think i need some more to drink...
congrats and way to quote that show!
to sock,
Totally congrats on telling your ma.. its awesome she is sweet with it!
I came out to my folks on the weekend and they won't speak to me at the moment.. I am totally still feeling sick, relieved, scared as hell.. The numbness is wearing off..
Its a huge step well done!
I am really sorry about that. I know i was really lucky with my parents. I hope everything works out for you soon.
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