So it is 11:12 AM on thursday, and I should be in class right now. I decided not to go to class to work on a paper I have due next week, but as lo and behold (wait is that how you spell that?), I am on my blog.
So the other day I realized how happy I am that I talk to you guys. There are something that I can't tell my friends, or jokes they just wouldn't think are funny.
Case 1: This was a while ago but... I was sitting in my friends room and we were eating candy that her mom had sent her. We were passing out starbursts and everyone only wanted the pink Starbust. Then one of my friends says "See, everything that is pink tastes good." I started laughing and they looked at me like I was crazy, but I couldnt explain it to them. I still think that it is funny.
Case 2: Whenever I go to the Michaels to buy yarn, i have to take a bus so there is always layover time. During this time I usually go to Petco which is right next store because they have pet adoptions on the weekend. So i go in to look at the cats, and I read the cats names from the side of the cages and one of them was .... MUNCHER. I couldn't get over this, and yet again i couldnt tell my friends this story because A) they wouldn't get it and B) they wouldn't think it was funny.
So yeah that how it goes I guess. But I am really excited for this weekend, It is D-Day (which stands for Dandelion Day, but really Drunk Day) where we drink all day. So watch out for any drunken posts. I have 24 miller lights. and 1/3 a handle of vodka. It should be fun but Wils I WILL NOT BE "THAT GIRL", I PROMISE!!!