Friday, January 26, 2007

Long Day

I had a pretty long day today, ughh and so glad that it is over. It started with Chem, and then 10 min break(just enough time) to walk to my writing course. After that I had an hour break to go to my Bio Recitation. I LOVE my Bio rec. because i have the same TA as last semester who i have a HUGEEEEE crush on. She is so cute, but anyways. Then i had a three hour bio lab with just analyzing bugs. Now i have to do a shitload of reading for ethics, but thought i would just update!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

No Class

I am ecstatic right now because MY ETHICS CLASS WAS CANCELED. The TA came and told the class that the teacher sent him an e-mail that he was sick so there would be no class, so I am laying in my bed about to take nap #1 of the day.

So last night i downloaded a few episode of the old school Might Morphin Power Rangers on this thing called DC++. I used to love that show, it is amazing how easily you love shitty shows when you are a kid. They make teens seem like the devil in the show. While I was watching i became really offended, because when I was a kid the Yellow ranger was always my favorite. Watching again she was still my favorite, but I realized she wasn't even a dinosaur. When Zordon was giving out their powers he said that they came from (and I quote) "The ancient creatures [we] call dinosaurs." A saber tooth tiger is not a dinosaur, it is a mammal, and it is not even in the same era as the dinosaurs. Why couldn't they just give her another dinosaur like everyone else, if I were her I would feel very left out.

Then this got me thinking about dinosaurs and how weird it was that they were once ruling the earth. It seems so unreal, if there were not bones or skeletons it could be a made up fairy tale like Lord of the Rings or something. Okay I am rambling now.

Heres a treat for people...

Which old school power ranger are you?
Your Result: Trini Kwan/The Yellow Ranger

You are very quiet and more a follower. you follow behind the other rangers. You are a bit jealous of the pink ranger but you dont let it interfear with your friend ship with her or your job.. you have different cultures and come from different backgrounds which helps you as a power ranger in many ways.

Tommy Oliver/The Green Ranger

Kimberly Hart/The Pink Ranger

Jason Lee Scott/The Red Ranger

Billy Cranston/The Blue Ranger

Zack Taylor/The Black Ranger


Which old school power ranger are you?

Okay well off to my nap

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


So i am just sitting here procrastinating from my homework. I watched the new episode of the L word last night and was so happy. I loved it, and the Elka and KC's podcast was even better. My only question is who drove to the dinner, they both were pretty trashed*. They just make me so happy. I should be a good American and listening to the State of the Union since I am now allowed to vote, but listening to that man is the last thing I want to do. It makes me so upset that he is our president that all I can do is laugh at him because I do not know how to deal.

So right now I am pissed because it has been over a month and my Greek professor still has not posted my grade. I mean how long does it take to post a number, everyone else in the class got their grade. I don't know what is going on. I can't complain though because it is so beautiful right now, I feel like I am living in a snowglobe. It just keeps snowing constantly but not really hard, and the flakes aren't small, they are just perfect. I guess I should get back to some of my work, or watch my TV. I just love reading about medical ethics. Well i guess it has to be done. Maybe I will post a picture of what it looks like up here later.

*edit- Just read the forum and apparently they walked

Monday, January 22, 2007

Knitting and Class

So i had a quiz in Bio today on a reading i didnt do, wonder how that will work out for me. I am really excited i just finished knitting this hat, and it only took two days to do. It is a spiral Striped hat. It isnt that good but it feels nice to make things. I wasn't able to sew the seem together yet, I have to wait for my Tapestry Needles I ordered to come.

I have just entered the dangerous and addictive world of Ebay, which if I am not careful, will take over my life. I was able to order though 10 sets of bamboo knitting needles for only 26 dollars. I think that is a sweet ass deal, although my friends were wondering why in the world I would need 10 sets of needles. Non knitters just dont understand. Well i have a shitload of work to do for tommorow so i am going to head over the library to start it. I will probably come back online every 15 minutes or so to procrastinate. Have a good day everyone.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

First Post

OK so i am a frosh in college and am starting a blog, mostly because Slo said everyone should. I am kinda drunk now so it might not be coherent. I am gay, not fully out and LOVE the L word. Everyone always asks me "why sock 28," the truth was i made that when i was in 5th grades so if you really want the explanation i will give it to you, just ask. I was a little apprehensive about starting a blog but i realized it would be cool, so here it is. Hope you like it. Maybe i will someday make a podcast. Only time will tell.