Sunday, July 22, 2007

I don't want to be a muggle

Okay, so anyone that knows me (or has talked to me when i am drunk) knows that I am still waiting for my letter to learn I am a witch. There must have been a messup down at good ol' Hogwarts and I am just going to be accepted to a special Witch and Wizarding school for grownups. They have just not made a book about it yet. Moving on...

I have finished Harry Potter. I have to admit I cried at the end knowing that it was over. I AM NOT GOING TO GIVE ANY SPOILERS DO NOT WORRY. But i did get a bit teary eyed at the end knowing that I would never read another new Harry Potter again. My sister said that she was watching the news this morning and they had a psychologist there, and they asked him how parents should help their children cope with the ending of Harry Potter. I mean i am really attached to HP and the books but i mean come on a fucking psychologist.

I have so much more i want to talk about with Harry Potter but i cant because i dont want to give it away. So that is all for now.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Folding laundry... pffh

So here i am, another Sunday night when i am supposed to be folding my laundry. Except i am not folding, instead i am watching the wonderful invention called THE TELEVISION. It is one of the best things in the world. Right now Big Love is on.

So some people don't know what camp is all about. If you want to know what i am doing and getting payed for this summer it is as follows:

A Friendship Bracelet

And that is Lanyard

I guess watching children is also part of my job description but whatever. Hope all is well everyone and catch you on the flipside.

Monday, July 09, 2007

I really dont want to make a title

Sorry for the lack of posts lately. I have been busy with camp and stuff. This weekend I drank ALOT and it was fun but alot of drama. We got ditched by some other people from camp this weekend and dropped from their plans, but we made the best out of it in the end.

So I said a while ago that I would post a picture of the socks and i can't think of anything else to write about at the moment so here you go:

My camp director is pregnant so i used the leftover yarn to make her booties:

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Socky Has Drunky Friends

So after about three weeks, i finally finished the second part of Sockast episode 4. Paradox and Biz are still with me and we are drunk. We talk about dildos, masturbating, pickles and so much more. Well i hope you enjoy and as always if you have any questions or comments post them here or e-mail me. I also want to give a shout out (because i forgot when I was recording) to Sissi for sending me an awesome mix for my trip to spain, and I used some of that music for this podcast.

Socky Has Drunky Friends (right click and save as to download)

Me & My Imagination- Sophie Ellis Bextor
Eleanor- The Low Millions
Dire Wolf- Grateful Dead

Since i havent posted in a week, i will talk about camp now. My kids are ADORABLE, they are going into 5th grade and so sweet. I love them so much. One of my girls got the lead role in the camp play, I am so proud of her. So I realized that camp relationships are so weird. The best way I can describe how time passes at camp is that you are fitting a years worth of emotions and drama into 2 months. So there are these two people who after four days of meeting each other are in this hardcore relationship. It is so weird. He also has a girlfriend back home in England which makes in weirder. So that is all I have for now cause i need to wake up for the bus early tomorrow. Have a good week.