Monday, March 26, 2007

King of New York

Ok so i am going so this post is going to contain some exaggerations to make it more interesting. (It will be like Where's Waldo... Can you spot what is a fib?)

Ok so i am sitting here in Greece on the dock looking out at the sea. I am writting an amazingly interesting paper on a movie. Actually for the first time, i am almost done with my paper before midnight. I have my itunes on shuffle and guess what song from what movie came on..... KING OF NEW YORK FROM NEWSIES!!!!!!!!!!

So i hope all of you know what Newsies is, because if you don't that would be really sad. It was a Disney movie about the paperboy strike in NY in the 20's I think. It came out in 1992 and was a flop. It is a musical, it is horrible, and yet so fucking amazing. The New York accents in that movie are priceless. It has Christian Bale (Batman, American Psycho) as the main character and also has David Moscow (from Zoe, Duncan, Jack & Jane if you remember that show).

So the moral of the story is that everyone should watch Newsies, sooner rather than later.

P.S. If anyone wants the soundtrack just tell me and i could e-mail it to them. Yes, I know, I am the coolest person in the world

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Forrest Gump

So right now I am, yes you probably guessed it, sitting in the library. But this time i am writing a paper, not doing chem. Yes i know i am evolving. I am writing a paper about a paper on Forrest Gump.

I love Forrest Gump, it is one of my favorite movies(i have a feeling after this paper though I will not want to watch it for another two or three years). When I first saw the movie, I didn't realize Forrest was mentally retarded, granted i was like five. But I never thought he was retarded until two years ago, I always thought he was just slow. I was actually devastated when someone told me. I don't know why it got me so upset but it did. So yeah that is what I am up to now. I am really excited about the finally of The L word tonight. It better be sweet. I was talking to someone today and I was saying that if I actually subscribed to Showtime in order to watch The L Word, I would be so pissed. This season has not been really good, and to pay all that money for an ehh season. But whatever I dont pay so i can be too upset. Okay well back to me work, hope everyone has a good day.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Such a bore

So i was planning on writing a post about two hours ago and I got distracted. I was doing my chem lab and said to myself "self, i want to write on my blog." Then i realized all i ever do on my blog is
A. Bitch about ChemLab
B. Bitch about other work
C. Write stupid drunk posts
Really who wants to read about that. But yeah i spent 7 hours straight tonight on my chem lab and I FINNALLY finished. The next 34 hours of my life will be all chemistry too. Chemlab...Studying... Chem Test. So yeah. There will be many breaks in between. Hope all is well for all 2 of my readers. I hope this somehow entertained you.
P.S.(if you know chemistry and live near me, LETS TALK)

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


I am home for spring break and just got my wisdom teeth removed. It wasn't too bad. So i am spending the week catching up on my tv and movies. I decided to actually watch a bunch of lesbian films while I am home. Some are good, some are ehh. I don't really have much else to say. This was a bit of a waste of a post, so I am sorry.

Friday, March 09, 2007


So, okay I am drunk.... what a suprise. I have no roomate tonight so i thought what better time to masturbate. I mean come one really. So i am pretty sure I had my first orgasm. YAY. ussually i am too scared someone will come in when i am at home or my parents will come home but tonight i went for it, and i had an orgasm. Well YAY for me. Well i need to sleep, because i have class in six hours. Goodnight all zero people that read my blog. I love you (which really mean i love myself, which i obviosly did tonight).

So my to do list for tonight... make my bed because i stripped it and washed my sheets. My to do list for tommarrow is

A. Find my enter key (becuase it fell off of my computer)
B. Wake up for my class
C. Realize why i did this in letters instead of Numbers
D. Understand why Beauty and the Beast came up on Itunes
E. Go HOMEEEE on a seven hour bus for spring break

Thursday, March 01, 2007


So i know i have not posted in a while, and my last post was pretty much shit. What have i been doing lately, pretty much nothing. I was sick this weekend and stayed in bed most of the time. I watched Bad Girls almost every episode which is really sad.

So i sometime gets in these moods, like getting really anxious and down and i don't really know why. I am in one of those now. It is really frustrating because i physically feel anxious and my heart rate increases and i get upset, but i don't know how to get rid of them. They can sometimes last for a few days and i just have to wait them out. Well thats all for now, it is nice talking about it on here because i don't feel comfortable telling people here.