Monday, April 30, 2007

Oh Happy Day

I am having a great day so far. I got my Ethics paper back, which i was sure i was going to bad on, and got an A- (I think this is partially due to the fact my TA's wife is pregnant and he is exhausted... but I'll take it). So on top of that I finished my research paper for my writing class BEFORE midnight. I am so happy. I also now have two days to study for Bio. So yes that is my great day. I am probably not going to be studying the rest of the day but I am fine with that because I am happy.

So i was talking to aimee last night and I decided she is my person of the day (by that i mean yesterday) because she was drunk on a Sunday night. So Kudos to you.
** It should also be noted that she types better drunk then i do sober


Thursday, April 26, 2007

A Cat named Muncher

So it is 11:12 AM on thursday, and I should be in class right now. I decided not to go to class to work on a paper I have due next week, but as lo and behold (wait is that how you spell that?), I am on my blog.

So the other day I realized how happy I am that I talk to you guys. There are something that I can't tell my friends, or jokes they just wouldn't think are funny.

Case 1: This was a while ago but... I was sitting in my friends room and we were eating candy that her mom had sent her. We were passing out starbursts and everyone only wanted the pink Starbust. Then one of my friends says "See, everything that is pink tastes good." I started laughing and they looked at me like I was crazy, but I couldnt explain it to them. I still think that it is funny.

Case 2: Whenever I go to the Michaels to buy yarn, i have to take a bus so there is always layover time. During this time I usually go to Petco which is right next store because they have pet adoptions on the weekend. So i go in to look at the cats, and I read the cats names from the side of the cages and one of them was .... MUNCHER. I couldn't get over this, and yet again i couldnt tell my friends this story because A) they wouldn't get it and B) they wouldn't think it was funny.

So yeah that how it goes I guess. But I am really excited for this weekend, It is D-Day (which stands for Dandelion Day, but really Drunk Day) where we drink all day. So watch out for any drunken posts. I have 24 miller lights. and 1/3 a handle of vodka. It should be fun but Wils I WILL NOT BE "THAT GIRL", I PROMISE!!!

Monday, April 23, 2007


So yes i decided to do a podcast. I did it by myself, so i had no one to feed off of, and i was rambling for quite some time. Things I noticed when doing this recording:
1. I think i have a slight lisp
2. I stumble my words
3. I really should think it out more before I record.

If it is incredibly boring or is horrible tell me, or tell me how you think it could get better. If it is so bad i should never do another one again, please tell me. If you like it tell me as well. So you have alot of options of what to tell me. I used a shitty free trial editing thing so the sound is sometimes off too. So here you go guys...

The Sockast: Episode 1 Ramblings(this one works)
(right click and do save as to download)

Wrath Pinned to the Mist- Of Montreal
Burn One Down- Ben Harper
Unwind- Rosebuds

Sunday, April 22, 2007


Hello dear readers,
So this is my first drunk/intoxicated since spring break. That is such a damn shame. I am also really high.
The past two days have been amazing. Yesterday was 420, which was great. A day dedicated to being high, what can be better. I had class in the morning and walked out of my 10 o clock class and it was GORGEOUS. I layed outside for a few hours and rode my friends bike around the quad while we just sat there and chilled. Then at 420 we walked to a park and smoked. And then we went off campus, which we rarely ever do, to eat dinner. Then i smoked again and eventually fell asleep.

I woke up this morning and our school was celebrating earth day. So it was beautiful again out today. I went to the knitting store to get yarn, and the pet store to look at animals. I realized i want to own a guinea pig and ferret. They were so cute. The i came back to campus and went outside and played ultimate frisbee, which i havent played since highschool. Then I went inside for a bit. Then i layed outside and played FOOOTTBAALL (soccer for you americans). This is the first time i have played soccer in ages. It was fun and i got A HAT TRICK. It was fun fun fun. Then i drank, then i smoked, and now im blogging (and I am happy).

Friday, April 20, 2007

Some Knitting

So i think i said a month ago that I was going to post some of my knitting, so here are some hats I have made in the last few months. If you want the patterns for any just shoot me an e-mail.
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So there you go guys and girls and all those in between.
P.S.- If anyone wants me to make you a hat just shoot me an e-mail as well.
P.P.S. You cant click on the pictures to enlarge them

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

No Title Today

So i recently got skype, which i got addicted to pretty quickly, and could possibly be my downfall. No that was an exaggeration. Skype is so cool, who would have imagined ten years ago that you could talk to people via your computer in like 5 different countries at once. It is amazing. Also isketch is the coolest thing ever.

I had a really productive day. I was in the library from 6-11 studying. I think i know the material pretty well but we will see. It makes me feel good to get work done. Whenever i work hard i always promise myself that I will never procrastinate again, but you know how that works out.

I dont really know where to put the Virginia Tech massacre still. It has been something i cant stop thinking about, but i dont want to be thinking about it. Whenever I stop thinking about it though I feel bad that I am not. I just feel bad for all the families who were affected and I just needed to put that out there that my heart goes out to all of them.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

My sucky Gay weekend

Okay so i had a pretty sucky weekend.
Friday night: I went to a frat and see this girl. I am talking to her for a while. We take a few shots together, we share a few cigarettes. We seem to be getting along well and such and i am hitting on her and it seems like she is hitting on me. Then she starts to talk about her boyfriend. I was like to myself WHAT THE FUCK. This girl was so gay, i was so positive she was gay, i do not get it. Can someone lend me some gaydar please, at least for the weekend. Oh on top of that a really akward Jewish boy started dancing on me, and i felt bad saying no because he seemed so desperate. That is like the icing on the cake

Saturday: I get all dressed up to go to a beach party that one of the frats is throwing. I am wearing a bikini and a tanktop and a skirt and sunglasses. We get to the frat and there is a huge line out the door so we are like fuck this we will come back later. We go to another party and feel stupid because we are wearing beach clothes. Mind you it is snowing outside. So we get into the drama house and I see my TA who i have had a crush on since week one of school. Like I REALLY like her and we are friendly and i don't know. So my friend goes up and asks her where the beer is, and she goes "Its in the back, just tell them i sent you because my boyfriend is being the bartender." My heart just dropped. It sucked. I couldn't enjoy my night after that so i just went back to the dorm. I have liked her for so long that is has kinda become a part of my college experience and i just felt as though it was ripped away from me. I can't really explain the feeling, but it just sucked.

So that was my weekend.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Love Song for No One

So I read Green and Slo's love story of how they started talking and met. All i have to say is... where can i sign up for that. I was thinking about it this weekend, why i have not hooked up with anyone yet. I think I am just so scared of everything. It has nothing to do with the gay part that I am scared of, I think it is just opening myself up to all of that. I have waited so long to hookup with someone, the only person I have ever kissed was this guy when i was completely drunk. It seems at this point, everyone is more experienced then me, and that is another reason i am scared. I will have no idea what I am doing. Maybe I just don't know how to put myself out there. I have to admit i have absolutely NO gaydar. If anyone want to give me hints on gaydar/anything at all, any comments are welcome. So yeah that is my bitching for the day.

So, i finished my bio test YAY. I think I did really well too so lets keep our fingers cross.It is my hell week of work. I had a test, i have two papers due, and two labs due. Somehow I still have time to write a blog entry AND be on the chatterbox. It is a mystery to me how i am able to finish all my work. Well thats all. See ya.

Friday, April 06, 2007

It's Raining in Baltimore

No, sorry readers, my title is a lie it is really 37 degrees and cloudy in Baltimore. What i mean to say is that it is snowing it Rochester, but the Counting Crows have yet to write a song about that so I HAD to go with the existing title. So yes it is snowing in Rochester and all my friends are bitching and moaning about it, but i think that it is quite cool. I love the snow.

So i want to blame everyone on the c-box for my horrible dream last night. I had a dream about Pirates(the actual movie) the after all that Pirates(the porno) talk last night. I was a prisoner on the ship and they made me stay in the water rowing all day. There was a monster under the boat that would kill me if i stopped rowing. (On a side not i also had a dream that my parents got me a new digital camera but it ended up that it was just a mini polaroid camera that look really cool. I took a really good picture with it and wrote an essay about my favorite actress on the back. I know I think that this is the more interesting dream don't you). So anyway after all this dreaming about water, i woke up having to pee of course.

O shit it is 8:45 I am going to be late to Bio if i do not leave soon. Ok im going to rock out of here with my sock out.


P.S. After bio i took a nap and hand the weirdest dream again. It involved a dead Dana from TLW, rubics cubes, an alien, and my dad. It was really odd.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Let My People Go

So it is April 2nd, and tonight is the first night of passover. So i have 8 days of no bread, pasta, crackers, and... NO BEER. Yes many people forget about that part of passover. Beer has yeast, and they didn't have yeast back in desert so hence, no beer. So when all you guys are drinking the beer, remember how the Jews suffered.

So i was thinking about this the other day, but I realized how happy the smallest things make me, or how i will go out of my way to get a little victory. When i go to a vending machine and i see a bag kinda hanging out and there is a way to get TWO bags for one, i will always go for it. Even if i do not want that candy i will get it anyway, but I feel so victorious afterwards. Well i know there were more instances of this, but I can't think of them right now. Well thats all folks.