Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Back To School...

Back to School
To Prove to Dad that I'm not a fool
I've got my lunch packed up
My shoes tied tight
I hope I don't get in a fight
Ohh back to school
Back to school
Back to school

You guys have to know what that is from!!!

So here I am back at school. I have a new roommate who is nice and my room is big and nice. Classes started yesterday. I am taking Ideas of the Greeks, Roman World, Organic Chemistry, and Genetics. The Genetics and the Orgo both have labs and recitations which sucks. So the Professor for my Greek class is so weird. It takes him so long to get through an idea and every time he gets up i am scared he is going to fall. So that is really all that has been going on. Ill keep you updated

1 comment:

::: sissi ::: said...

i have no idea from what that is from, but then again i suppose i dont have to know!

good to hear the start was nice, thats how school life should be!